Wednesday, 16 January 2013

From A Streetcar Named Desire to Bernard Leach's cabin.

I have just realised that I haven't really introduced myself, this is me, Victoria Matthewson:

Oh dear.

I was born Victoria Collins in Buckinghamshire, I had a perfect childhood with loving parents and an older brother who taught me a healthy appreciation of Star Wars, Middle Earth and rolling dice on a Sunday afternoon.  

I  always enjoyed studying art and drama and after A-Levels I decided that and actor's life was for me. I was accepted at Guildford School of Acting and spent three jolly years doing pretentious things like pretending to be a blackbird for 5 weeks.

Here I am playing Stella in A Streetcar Named Desire:

And here I am in Jim Cartwright's play Road (I am in the White dress, it's set in the 80's so I need no excuse):
During rehearsals in my third year I decided to make and embroider my own graduation dress, I had a lot of time on my hands, this was the result:
A sign that maybe acting wasn't the life for me.

I met my husband while working at the Odeon cinema in Guildford. I would heartily recommend a cinema job to any young person who is interested in films. Apart from free entry the camaraderie was the best I have ever experienced.  

For someone who spent three years training to be an actress I am very proud of my achievements since. I worked my way up to Assistant Manager at the cinema then left to explore Australia for a bit (well, you have to don't you). After coming back and getting married I begged English Heritage for a job as I thought it would interest me. A very brave lady decided she wanted to work with this strange ex-actress and I am so grateful to her for giving me the opportunity to learn about so many amazing building. I have stood on the roof of an C11 church looking at lead work, I have been in a World War II anti aircraft simulator and ventured down the military tunnels under Plymouth. I stood in Flodden Field while an expert described the heart of the battle that happened around me.

My favourite case was an application to list Bernard Leach's cabin that he had built in the grounds of Dartington Hall. It was a small wooden cabin, designed by Leach to be his home and it was here he wrote his work 'A Potter's Book'. Such a simple building but we recommended it for listing due to historic association. Our recommendation was rejected by the Secretary of State for several reasons but the one that sticks in my mind is that Bernard Leach did not get enough Google hits. Sigh.

Anyway, I became a full time Mum after having my second daughter and, much as I love this job, I started to feel like I needed to do something for myself, and so began Love in Idleness...


  1. Nice post, sis! Love the pics. Matt xx

  2. Glad you had a perfect childhood. We did the best we knew how!!!!!Love you loads.


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